On Wednesday September 30, 1992, six years after his death, Property from the Estate of James Cagney was auctioned in New York City. Several days earlier, many of the items was made available for viewing by the public at the William Doyle Galleries . For an admission of twenty dollars, guest were given a catalog that contained photos and prices of the entire inventory. Visitors were also allowed to browse and handle selected items, such as his working scripts, copies of his films on reels, clothes, furniture, and some of Cagney's paintings. As a longtime admirer, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. The auction itself was held at the Wallace Hall in Saint Ignatius Loyola Church. There were three sessions one at 10am, 2pm and 7pm. I didn't attend the actual auction, but understand it was a huge success, earning much more than anticipated.
Promotional insert in cigarette packs of the thirties
N.Y Daily News Interview Circa 1974 1 2